Logotipo San Cebrín


San Asensio’s climate is hot and temperate. It can rain all year round and the average annual temperature is 12.4 °C.

We have rainfalls of 601 mm a year, all these factors allow an ideal climate for vine cultivation, creating optimal conditions to obtain the best quality grapes.

Temperatura 12.4 °C

Precipitaciones 601mm


The extension of our lands is very wide, however the average extension does not exceed an hectare, this allows us to cultivate each of our plots with affection,care and dedication.
Between all the diversity of areas and locations we find fincas placed as height as Valpierre up to the Valle del Najerilla, with an average altitude of approximately 500 meters. The soils are arcillo-calcareous and ,to a lesser extent, arcillo-ferrous and alluvial, well-suited to cultivate a great quality grape. We have both young vines and vineyards with more than fifty years of history that coexist and represent the past, present and future of our land.


We work about 500 acres of land, spread over San Asensio, Hormilleja and Briones, different varieties of grapevine are cultivated like tempranillo, which is the main variety in black grapes, and Viura in white grapes, all of them accepted by the Regulatory Council of the Rioja Qualified Denomination of Origin as suitable for the production of «Rioja» wines.

Labores de campo Viñedo con guardaviñas
Viñedo con el Castillo de Davalillo al fondo Viñedo con el Castillo de Davalillo al fondo
Mojón Cantera de piedra